QAV it & STUDIO is Total Digital Solution located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is an organization has different interest and skill in the entertainment sector. QAV STUDIO creates Animation for TV, Film, Web and Mobile devices and so on. QAV STUDIO also creates Comics, Interactive-children’s books and operate professional courses in Animation, Digital illustration. QAV it & STUDIO is strongly focused on technology, innovation and esthetic values. It is conducted by a exposition of combining traditions and modernity in all of its creations. We are committed to do our work with creative idea and no compromise in quality of certain work.
We are equipped with an updated technical knowledge to serve our customers.properly. Our method of application maintains the industry.
We Are Trusted By Our Customers
We are committed to do our work with creative idea and no compromise in quality of certain work.
Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services. View more Services
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